Android English posts other screenreaders

My view of Shine Plus

Hi everyone,

It’s a long ago that I wrote a post here.
But, the time and motivation and idea arrived to me to writing it.

The Shineplus already was a strange screenreader to me during its use. I always used Talkback, and I think the Shineplus is not accessible.
I heard a piano sound when I tap and or move on the screen with my finger(s), and I not found rule(s) in this program while I tried to use it.
So, Shineplus is not understandable.

Computer English posts Jaws (screenreader) Language Narrator Screenreader NVDA (screenreader) other screenreaders tts Windows 10

I get reply for the question: How do you use David English US Microsoft Sapi5 voice on Windows 10?

Hello everyone,
If you would like use David English US Microsoft Sapi5 Voice on your Windows 10, then you will find the reply below.:
1. Install the English US language,
2. and don?t accept handywrite, and others, but the speech yes.
3. Go to the speech dialog on the NVDA, and press enter for the Microsoft Sapi5 element.
4. Go to the speech combo box, and select the David voice, and press more shift+tab, and press aply button, then press the ok button.
5. Well, you?re done!
End of steps.
Use David Microsoft Sapi5 Voice, if you would like use American US voice on your Windows 10!
This isn?t a best voice, but good for the aim.
Best regards,
